Tag: unblocked


Can we just give God a yes on this morning, I don’t know what you need God to do for you in this day but if when you began to worship before Him and give Him all the things that have been weighing you down. Invite God in this morning even before we start to pray, just began to worship, God moves when we worship before Him, it does matter what you did last night give to him this morning, no matter what you thinking about doing give to God on this morning, come praise Him with me on this morning. God is big God ya’ll, give Him the glory on this morning, you don’t have to wait to worship Him on Sunday we can began to give Him glory now, what do you need God to do in your life, in your family member what do you need Him to do come lets praise Him this morning, come press, press, press, you way,
Father God, in the name of Jesus,we thank you for allowing us to rise on this morning to declare your lordship,we come to say thank you for allowing us to get under the covering and you’re anointing. We thank you that it was that same covering that saw us through the night.Lord I just want to come into your presence this morning to come in agreement with the heavens to declare Your Glory. Our appointed time has already been set by you master, and so here we are to declare under the heaven on this morning a Prophetic word from you. God we come giving you the first fruit of our praise this morning I decree that your power O God will began to shake the wickedness from the four corners of the earth. O God Whatever we bind or loose on earth is already bound and loosed in heaven. Revelation, healing, deliverance, salvation, peace, joy, relationships, finances and resources that are being unblocked now and are being release to us now, O God.I thank you that what is being released to me you will allow it to transfer to everyone praying this prayer on this morning master, for I am blessed, I thank you God for every blessing that is going our way in this day. I pray Father God that the airways and highways are being filled with your glory, that the atmosphere over me, my family, church, community, ministry, city, state, the nation is being shift. I pray that every demonic agenda or evil thought pattern designed against the agenda of your people I come into agreement with the saints, as we have suffered violence, we now take by force. No longer will we accept anything that is dealt to us. I declare that the Kingdom has come and the will of God is done on earth as it is in heaven. I decree and declare the blood of Jesus over every principality, power, ruler of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places assigned against my purpose. I bind every destiny thief and destiny devourer in the name of Jesus. They are being dethroned and dismantled and have no influence over our days. Every curse sent against our day is being reversed and sent back to the pits of hell.I pray that my prayer disrupt the dark plans and give our enemies a non-prosperous day. We have victory over our enemies. This is the day that the Lord has made and we rejoice and will be glad in it. Lord, we want to enter into the inner court now with you this morning God, we want to come in Father, so that we would feel your presence on this morning, we thank you Lord, we thank you master, we say yes to you on this morning, have your way O God, Father we thank you for your sweet Holy spirit, for without the holy spirit we cannot operate. No one is like you O God. You are great and your name is mighty in power. You are the maker of all things and no matter what comes our way today I know that you are bigger. Lord, I lift my hands on this morning giving you praise and as we give you praise master, we come with a surrending heart on this morning. Lord help us to take our hands off every problem, every situation, that we are trying to fix ourselves. Lord Jesus, I come casting all of our burdens on you. Open our eyes not to see that you know what is best for us. Strengthen our faith to take you at your word. Rise up within each of us that we may boldly declare your truth. Cast out fear, remove all doubts. Block unbelief and cause unwavering trust in your people to be stirred up within us. Father on this morning we come with a repent heart, so that you in this very moment would swoop in and fill us with your healing power, that our brokenness might be healed. Thank you God for pouring your favor on us as we seek with our heart to live for you. I’m asking now for an extra level of protection from the lies and thoughts of self-doubt that the enemy will try to deceive us with on today. God I know you are bigger, I know that you are able; I know that you are willing and your power is unstoppable. We realize master that you can give us what we cannot give ourselves. O God we thank you for being a big God in our lives I know you are bigger than our marriage problem, you bigger than the problems we have with our children, you might now have the greatest job, but God is bigger, God I know that you are bigger than cancer, lupus, lymphedema, chronic heart conditions, chronic headaches. Whatever the disease maybe you are bigger God, so we can’t stop praying, we can’t stop believing, we can’t stop hoping. God this morning we just want to say yes, yes to your will and to your way. God we declare that you are bigger than our missed opportunities, for you are a God of another chance. O God you have won every victory, fear cannot hold us, sin cannot hold us, hate cannot hold us, and our bills cannot hold us, that’s why we can thank you for your sweet holy spirit on this morning in Jesus name Amen

Minister Adrine Jason